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The :her(e), otherwise curatorial proposition is conceptually anchored in the interrogation of the architectural brief as both a site and context of power. The briefs, having been formulated in silos of privilege, rendered them a tool of value creation that sustains the reproduction of structural inequality, while perpetuating erasure in the practice of the discipline.

Through a mise-en-abîme format, saay/yaas*—four African co-curators—propose their own brief within the brief of Saison Africa2020. Conceptualized as a bureau de change, they develop an online platform
as a community for knowledge and value production through intimate encounters and exchanges. A set of acts, each structured as call-and-response, invites successive responders to interrogate and jointly construct the architectural brief in a public act of knowledge/content production while operating across different scales and modes of belonging, practice, and representation.

The responders are African-diaspora women spatial makers and thinkers; a demographic historically and continually excluded from the practice of knowledge creation, but whose diverse practice approaches birth a multitude of forms and modes of spatial/curatorial/collective practice.

* Sindi, Anahory, Abengowe, Yehouessi / Yehouessi, Abengowe, Anahory, Sindi.

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Patti Anahory was born on a ship traveling south on the Atlantic ocean en route to São Tomé and Principe. Her birth, at dawn, was bathed by the sun rising from the western coast of Africa where the armed struggle for independence in the former Portuguese colonies on the continent was taking place. Her parents named her after Patrice Lumumba.
She works across urbanism, art, pedagogy and curatorial practices. Her work focuses on interrogating narratives of belonging across geopolitics, memory, race and gender constructs. She explores the politics of identity from an African island perspective - as a fugitive edge. Routes and roots are entangled currents running across her work.

Anna Nnenna Abengowe was born in England to an Anglo-Saxon mother and an Igbo father.
Her place of origin is Nigeria. Raised in Yorkshire, Newfoundland and Kaduna, educated in the American system and holding three passports she is plurinational, at once outside the nation-states and traversing them.
After graduating from Princeton University School of Architecture, Anna spent an awful
lot of time in front of the computer wondering: What is Architecture? Upon accepting the position of Deputy Director at the Graduate School of Architecture (GSA), University of Johannesburg, the question morphed: What is the social role of Architecture? Specifically, how does the architect develop and implement theories of form and space under the current intellectual and cultural order of late-modernism, techno-corporate conformity, and the totalizing logic of neoliberalism?

Born in 1990 in Cotonou (Benin), Mawena Yehouessi is an art curator and searcher/ practitioner in Arts and philosophy (PhD fellow @ Villa Arson / Université Côte d ́Azur). Founder of the Black(s) to the Future collective, she lives and works between Nice and Paris (France).
Also trained in cultural projects management and contemporary dance, she belongs to this generation of unclassifiable—or downgraded?—beings whose practices & jobs are a mash-up of slashes. In particular interested in alter-futurisms and poïethics, she also develops an exploratory, prospective, and collusion/collage art practice through her avatar M.Y.

Tuliza Sindi is an architecture lecturer and Unit 19 leader at the University of Johannesburg’s Graduate School of Architecture (GSA). She is also the founder of South African-based experimental firm BRNWSH.
Her firm explores the socio-political construct of ‘service’ as a concept upon which corrosive governance structures and their corresponding spatial conditions are both built on and function from, performing as tools of permission, legitimation, structuration and absolution. The firm - and Unit 19 - borrows theoretical, methodological and visual languages from various disciplines, including, media, theatre, linguistics, economics, sociology, and psychology.


Curatorship and art direction : Collectif Saay / Yaas (Patricia Anahory, Anna Abengowe, Mawena Yehouessi, Tuliza Sindi)
Editorial coordination : Ushsma Thakrar
Graphic design : Yasmine Madec & Damien Arnaud,
Website development : 2Roqs

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Curatorship and art direction: Collectif Saay / Yaas (Patricia Anahory, Anna Abengowe, Mawena Yehouessi, Tuliza Sindi)
Editorial coordination: Ushsma Thakrar
Graphic design: Yasmine Madec & Damien Arnaud,
Website development: 2Roqs

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